Denova Detect 10-Year Battery Combo Natural Gas/CO Alarm with Voice

  • Item #360803

About This Product

Life-saving efficiency: detects natural gas (methane) leaks early with a 10% LEL alarm threshold, enabling faster response times and potentially saving lives
100% battery-powered and cost-effective; enjoy 10 years of worry-free protection
Audible and visual alerts: intuitive notifications with green, yellow and red LED lights and 85 dB speaker that provides clear voice alerts in English and Spanish
Easy installation and maintenance: mount within 12 inches of the ceiling using the provided screw or with cable ties, and perform periodic cleaning for years of reliable performance
ETL tested to UL 1484 and UL 2034 standards, and meets NFPA 715 proper placement guidelines
WARNING: Do NOT test alarm with gas release from a stove; refer to the user’s manual for safe and proper testing information
10-year limited warranty

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