Consumer Privacy Request

California residents acting in a commercial context have rights to access, delete, correct, or opt out from certain types of processing or sharing of their personal information. To make one of these privacy requests, please complete the form below or call 1-888-204-1160.

For your privacy and security, we may need to verify your identity for certain requests.

For information about how to exercise other privacy choices we make available to our customers, such as opting out from email marketing or text messaging please visit here.
California residents acting in a commercial context have rights to access, delete, correct, or opt out from certain types of processing or sharing of their personal information. To make one of these privacy requests, please complete the form below or call 1-888-204-1160.

For your privacy and security, we may need to verify your identity for certain requests.

For information about how to exercise other privacy choices we make available to our customers, such as opting out from email marketing or text messaging please visit here.

Fields marked with * are Required

Fields marked with * are Required

List the customer information you have worked for:

List the customer information you have worked for:

Choose one option:

* - You may request a copy of your personal information and learn more about our information collection, use and sharing practices.

† - You may request Lowe's Pro Supply to delete your personal information. This may impact our capability to provide products or services to you. Please note that we will retain some personal information and a record of your request where required or otherwise permitted by law. This includes personal information about you that is outside the scope of the right to deletion or is subject to a deletion exception under applicable law.

‡ - You may request Lowe's Pro Supply to correct inaccurate personal information we maintain about you. If you would like to change information related to your order or services, please contact a branch associate or Lowe's Pro Supply Order Support at 866-630-6747.

* - You may request a copy of your personal information and learn more about our information collection, use and sharing practices.

† - You may request Lowe's Pro Supply to delete your personal information. This may impact our capability to provide products or services to you. Please note that we will retain some personal information and a record of your request where required or otherwise permitted by law. This includes personal information about you that is outside the scope of the right to deletion or is subject to a deletion exception under applicable law.

‡ - You may request Lowe's Pro Supply to correct inaccurate personal information we maintain about you. If you would like to change information related to your order or services, please contact a branch associate or Lowe's Pro Supply Order Support at 866-630-6747.